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Caller 3, You're on the Air
Another Way to Throw Your Two Cents Into the Thick of the Fray

Hey, didja hear the Jester shootin' off his mouth again about some shit? Then why not tell him how you feel about it, in your own words, live on the air.

(646) 502-8600

Bob the Engineer is proud to present Jester Radio's very own On-Air Phone Line, active immediately.

Call in during the show, from 10 PM to Midnight, Eastern Time, and you're likely to end up live, on the air, with the Jester himself. The rest of the time, you may get Dolly or Bob, or anyone who happens to be walking past the reception desk.

You can phone in requests, answers to Jester Trivia, or just to let off some steam.

And if you happen to get our voice mail, don't be shy. Leave a message or make a request, we'll figure it out.

We can't wait to hear from you. Call soon!

(646) 502-8600

Dolly Sez...Got something to say about it? Why not join us in Jester Radio Chat tonight and throw your two kopeks into the thick of the fray? Maybe I'll see you there!

Considering starting your own Corporate or Private Internet Radio Station? It's a unique and cost-effective way of promoting your products and services online. Let Bob the Engineer show you how easy and inexpensive it is to get started.

-- Dolly the Receptionist    

Join the Jester every evening from 10 PM to Midnight ET for Live News, Requests, Trivia, Celebrity Guest Interviews and much more!

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Killer Lyrics
Linkin Park -
In the End


Things aren't the way they were before

You wouldn't even recognize me anymore

Not that you knew me back then

But it all comes back to me

In the end

Linkin Park,

In the End


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